Despite the fact they were halfway through their A-level courses they were told they had to leave their children’s homes.
School Boys
Since the start of 2022 Brighter Path has been supporting two care leavers who are still studying at school. Both care leavers were asked to leave their children’s home when they turned 18. Despite the fact they were halfway through their A-level courses they were told they had to pack up their bags and move on. One of the care leavers has no family; he had nowhere to go and no means to live and so could not continue with his studies. The other care leaver returned to a destitute family member whom he lived with in makeshift accommodation without regular meals. Very quickly he stopped attending school. In January both these care leavers moved into a Brighter Path transition home. They have resumed going to their school as well as participating fully in all areas of school life. They are also benefitting from some extra tuition in their different subjects to catch up on lost schooling
Further Reading

Sports Equipment Donation
In January 2024 Brighter Path donated much needed sports equipment and games to a boys certified Home in the Kappetipola area. This home is a borstal or youth detention centre …

Training Clothes Donation
Brighter Path provides regular support to the Vishaka Training Centre in Bandarawella. This is a home for young girls in the care system who have been unable to remain in …

Capping Ceremony
On the last Saturday in June we were very proud that one of our care leavers, Rangani, was ‘capped’ as a nurse. This is an old nursing tradition where student …